Monday, April 21, 2008

Miley Miley Miley

When you are gonna learn that taking gross pictures of yourself is only going to make you look that much trashier... =D

whatever though =D

let her look stupid.

Anyways, today was such a great day until I got to 7th period my favorite time of the day =D well class was all fun and games until mrs. dixon goes we have to talk i thought it was gonna be horrible news like the yearbooks have been delayed talk about a nightmare she totally killed me, she told us the news about her getting transfered and there would be no more yearbook...

OH HECK NO!!!! I don't think so GHS you can't take journalism away from us granite i'm graudating but i know kids who juniors and sophomores who live for that....

it's amazing how much adults can act like little school age drama queens.

can't wait for the school board meeting i'll be there sporting my

crew v-neck shirt that says "KEEP HOT DONA" in big block bold letters= D


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