To see them go from this:

to this:

It's a priceless feeling that can't amount to words or any feeling it's the best. Through the years I've grown more fond to Nick not just because he's so hot like oh my gosh or anything like that. As a person he is probably one of if not the most beautiful amazing gorgeous person I've ever met inside and out. He's the sweetest ever and he's very thankful and has the most amazing sense of strength through our Lord and Savior. People always say people don't like jB they're just another boy band... Just take the time and listen to the stuff they're singing... They don't dance around in parachute pants to much either =D thank God!!! Anyways, just listen to jB give them a chance they're more than excellent and words could never describe them.
Here's a rant though =D Pre-Sales make me so mad... I should have learned not to do the pre sales after Team Jonas but Sam and I decided we were gonna go camp out for Mitchel Musso tickets because well Mitchell Musso is that amazing and we love to camp out for tickets.... WELL!!!!!!! My good friend Ashley was like oh my gosh i have the pre sale code for you so we did the pre sale got awesome 15th row seats not complaining thats really good... Today sam and I looked at tickets if we would have waited we could have got the front row tickets.... We saw tickets on there today for 8th row.... Why didn't they show up when we did pre sale??? Pre sale tickets are just a way of ripping you off... I got so mad because if I was just to stay patient and do that I could have got my awesome tickets... Like I said before I'm not mad at 15th row it's still pretty awesome but 8th row would have been better front row would have been MARVELOUS!!!! So note to all you have people who go to as many concerts as I do don't do the pre sale!!!! Just wait it out....
On the bright side I can't wait!!! I'm totally wearing my PJS!!!
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