My weekend started with Friday night going and hanging out with Jessica, and Megan which was really exciting and fun which made for the start of a great weekend. First of all I got to sleep in which was amazing I haven't slept till noon in a really long time and doing so felt amazing. We got up and decided we wanted to g hang out with Heather... We called her she came and picked us up when went and ate some Chinese which was awesome! Then we decided lets go watch a movie... So we were gonna watch Baby Mama I'm sure it's a great movie but we decided on Harold and Kumar after we noticed it was playing at the theater. While waiting for the 4:30 we decided to go the Christian Book Outlet Store where I ran into Mrs. Sullins my old English/Drama teacher it was nice to run in to her. We shopped around and came out with: This amazing journal which I can't wait to start writing in!!!! and these awesome amazing Pick Jesus guitar picks they're cute!!!
We then went and watched Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay Probably one of the sickest, craziest, funniest movies I've ever watched in my life<3>
I have that ring as a matter of fact i have it on right now i just want to know whats wrong with keeping a promise with yourself and the lord to stay sexually pure... it's not that big of a deal... I just wish people would lay off..
I've been hearing that Hollywood Is Not America song a lot lately. I love it but as much as I love Hollywood it's very much so true. Hollywood is a crazy town full of plastic girls =D. They are very few good people there. I remember the first time I saw the Hollywood sign I was amazed at everything there. The streets, the hills, the houses, the cars, the people, and the fact that you actually feel like your dreams will come true there. It's like a magical place almost like Disney but not quite.
I hope to get to spend more time in L.A. through out my years it's a wonderful city. Hollywood has always been a cage; a cage to catch our dreams.
This weeks feels like it's going by so slow I thought today was Wednesday but it was only Tuesday. Not including semester test we have about 15 or 16 days of school left. I couldn't be any more happier with that number of days. It's amazing to actually be here in the midst of graduation and senior lunches and saying goodbye to friends and getting the heck out of town!!!!
When you are gonna learn that taking gross pictures of yourself is only going to make you look that much trashier... =D
whatever though =D
let her look stupid.
Anyways, today was such a great day until I got to 7th period my favorite time of the day =D well class was all fun and games until mrs. dixon goes we have to talk i thought it was gonna be horrible news like the yearbooks have been delayed talk about a nightmare she totally killed me, she told us the news about her getting transfered and there would be no more yearbook...
OH HECK NO!!!! I don't think so GHS you can't take journalism away from us granite i'm graudating but i know kids who juniors and sophomores who live for that....
it's amazing how much adults can act like little school age drama queens.
can't wait for the school board meeting i'll be there sporting my
crew v-neck shirt that says "KEEP HOT DONA" in big block bold letters= D YEARBOOK WILL RISE AGAIN!!!!
Getting my cap and gown the other day has brought me to realize that I'm growing up before i know it I'll be off to college... I can't wait but then again I can. I'm not ready to grow up yet I want to stay this way forever. I'm very proud of myself though I never thought I could do this. School really isn't my thing I grew up to be an apathetic angry angst filled teen ager who didn't care one way or another if I graduated... After a life changing time in my life I grew to really love school. I have good days at school. Granite I get stressed out about stuff yearbook, art, and drama those things really stress me out but I love all of them I have my best times over all when I'm doing those three things. I'm ready for graduation to be here I can't wait to feel that feeling. Oh the places I will go.
Saturday oohh what a boring day. Sam and I woke up after this huge boom at her house cause of boom I still don't know Sam probably does but I have not a clue all I know is that it made me have to pee pee =D. After pee peeing we found our selfs in need of breakfast. We txt'd Shannon and we asked her to make us a pizza after running few errands we finally got our tasty cheesy pepperoni pizza.
We then went to my house and sat.... then uhm, we sat some more. I got really crazy when we just sat.
We then burned the camp rock We Rock onto cd with some other jammin music and went around random public places singing them and got some crazy looks =D
Today we went to get a book some teeny magazines (which were amazing) came home cleaned my room and then we got online and found this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you are seeing right a flux capictor... I know right.
This school play is kicking my ass. I'm STRESSED!!!!!!!
Anyways, I'm totally amped for what jB decided to name their new cd it's really awesome and special they never cease to amaze me =D On the bright side. JUNO!!!!! I'll be getting my copy!!!! That movie was for sure amazing. It had a life changing story line i loved it very much the wit and complete randomness makes me more than happy =D I'm getting a hamburger phone =D That's total boss.
Right now my play list is including such an odd mix of music...
Seasons Of Love - RENT
Out Tonight - RENT
I'll Cover You - RENT
I should tell you - RENT
In the ghetto - Elvis Presley
No air - Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown
Naked - Avril Lavigne
Make some noise - Hannah Montana
To love you more - Celine Dion
Then you look at me - Celine Dion
Now, that's an odd play list i have had freakier but it's just weird how my mood can go from one song to the next...
Music says so much about you, it really does. Some people don't believe that but you can really tell who a person is through their play list.
Anyways, Today wasn't a bad Monday, now I really do highly dislike Monday's and the people I have to be surrounded with on Monday's but today was a really good day which is awesome. I haven't really blogged about my weekend but I shall....
Let's just start with a new addition to our family =D His name is Chevy and he's very close to my heart♥ he's way too dang cute for his own good.
After getting this monster ball of fur I hung out with one of my favorite girls ever Jess and then we got Megan to chill with us so it was Sam, Heather, Jess, Megan, and I in their new apartment just chilling. We all danced around and comitted forms of molestation on each other =D
Then we went to taco bell for food because we were getting tired after our starbucks rush. We came home and chilled with the two dudes who's names I have forgot I know there was an Austin and some other dude who wants to date a sophomore haha, we had a lot of fun we hit the volley ball around almost broke the flat screen, celling fan, and lamp. Oh yes we're winners!
At about midnight I came home and went to bed hahaha It was a great weekend it was probably the best weekend I've had in a long time<3333 I leave you with these kind words of advice: In truths that she learned, or in times that he cried. In bridges he burned, or the way that she died. It’s time now to sing out, though the story never ends let's celebrate remember a year in the life of friends. Remember the love! Remember the love! Remember the love! Measure in love. Seasons of love! Oh you got to you got to remember the love, You know that love is a gift from up above share love, give love, spread love Measure, measure your life in love.
As much as that song is totally annoying I'm crazy about it. No Air is probably one of the greatest songs of right now for these reasons:
It's by the beautiful amazing Jordin Sparks
It's a really well written song with good verses
It's repetitive but not an annoying repetitiveness' like Rhianna's Umbrella
It's not sung by Rihanna
On the bright side I have an amazing youtube series with my best friend Sam where we act like idiots you watch it, rate it, comment it, love it, and do it all over again!You can check out all our vids at check us out!While you're doing stuff check out these two awesome bands on myspaceValora&& Where Tragedy Sleepsboth amazingly cool bands Syd from Valora is really really cute and good about commenting back for all you tweens who just want comments Dan from Where Tragedy Sleeps is also very good about commenting back and is very sweet and cute and funny.
Lately, life has been good but have you ever just sat down and thought about how good life was a few years ago. I was talking to my friend Fallon today, and we were talking about how amazing it has been to be true original jB fans. It's been more than a blessing to my life to have watch them grow as musicians ya know. To watch Nick, Kevin, and Joe grow up the past few years has been so amazing... To see them go from this: to this: It's a priceless feeling that can't amount to words or any feeling it's the best. Through the years I've grown more fond to Nick not just because he's so hot like oh my gosh or anything like that. As a person he is probably one of if not the most beautiful amazing gorgeous person I've ever met inside and out. He's the sweetest ever and he's very thankful and has the most amazing sense of strength through our Lord and Savior. People always say people don't like jB they're just another boy band... Just take the time and listen to the stuff they're singing... They don't dance around in parachute pants to much either =D thank God!!! Anyways, just listen to jB give them a chance they're more than excellent and words could never describe them.
Here's a rant though =D Pre-Sales make me so mad... I should have learned not to do the pre sales after Team Jonas but Sam and I decided we were gonna go camp out for Mitchel Musso tickets because well Mitchell Musso is that amazing and we love to camp out for tickets.... WELL!!!!!!! My good friend Ashley was like oh my gosh i have the pre sale code for you so we did the pre sale got awesome 15th row seats not complaining thats really good... Today sam and I looked at tickets if we would have waited we could have got the front row tickets.... We saw tickets on there today for 8th row.... Why didn't they show up when we did pre sale??? Pre sale tickets are just a way of ripping you off... I got so mad because if I was just to stay patient and do that I could have got my awesome tickets... Like I said before I'm not mad at 15th row it's still pretty awesome but 8th row would have been better front row would have been MARVELOUS!!!! So note to all you have people who go to as many concerts as I do don't do the pre sale!!!! Just wait it out.... On the bright side I can't wait!!! I'm totally wearing my PJS!!!
I'm 18 I'm a senior in high school and I love to just chill and have a good time. I'm drama free and I try not to get involved into to much drama. I love to paint and do photography. I love to scrapbook and go shopping and hang out at Limited Too. I have the most amazing friends in the world. Jonas Brothers complete me.